Not just for XR6’s & XR8’s our club is for FTE, Tickford & FPV vehicles as well.
Our club offers an environment for like minded people who have a common interest around our Ford Falcon vehicles. Whether you are a die hard car nut, or simply enjoy turning the key and driving while being in the company of like minded people who share a common interest in our type of cars you will find our club to be of interest to you. We have a good mix of cars in the club from 1991 EB’s up to the latest FG-X models. Join us if you want to share the passion you have in your vehicle with people who own the same types of cars. If you need to know something about your vehicle there will be someone in the club who can help you out or point you in the right direction. We encourage partners to be involved with the club as well.
Our club members enjoy the benefits of genuine discounts with our range sponsors.
Our members are typically of the more mature vintage with a good mix of males and females, families, singles, retirees, from all walks of life including truck drivers, accountants and small business owners among others.
You can speak with one of the committee members if you have an idea for an event so we can look at making it happen. Our annual general meeting is held in August and we encourage you to participate by voting for the nominees for the committee which keep the club going. If you are really keen and have particular skill set suitable you may want to nominate to join the committee to keep the club going strong into the future.
What do I get for my membership fee?
Your annual club fees enable the club to maintain our website, update our promotional material such as club flags and marquees, maintain our club trailer, cover our public liability insurance, government fees, website backup & hosting, and maintain our financial management system. We also subsidize some costs for members at nominated events from time to time.
As a club member you are encouraged to participate by attending events as much or as little as you want without prejudice. When attending certain events we do ask that you assist in the setup and pull down of club displays whether it is putting up a marquee, putting the flags out or hanging a sponsors banner please join in to assist.
We are an incorporated association in Queensland, operating under the articles of association and governed by the office of fair trading and as such we have club by laws and a constitution in place to assist the committee and members in the running of our club. What this means is we have legal responsibilities that we must follow to ensure the best interests of the membership are being taken care of.
The XR6 XR8 Club QLD supports safe driving and compliance with road traffic laws and accepts no responsibility for any unlawful actions by members or their guests. As a club when we travel or we are at events sensible non illegal behavior on and off the road is paramount to our public image and reputation of the club, its members and sponsors.
If we are participating in track or motorsport type events be aware that neither yours or our club insurance will cover you for any damage done or caused by you or others in the case of an incident involving you. Track events are to be entered as “at your own risk”
We offer a range of events throughout the year at different venues and destinations some of which have limited facilities suitable to everyone’s capabilities and fitness levels. When planning events we do take this into consideration to try and meet everyone’s needs but this always may not be the case. Members need to satisfy themselves that the event is suitable for them before attending.
*The club is unable to provide cars for weddings or formals.
We endeavor to conduct at least one cruise per month. These take the form of drives conducted on picturesque roads, places of interest, variour activities and a lunch destination. We also conduct weekend cruises throughout the year. These include an overnight stay on the Saturday night which is always a great social affair with all of us staying in the same motels and dining together at a local pub or club. If you have an idea for an event have a chat with one of the committee members.
Car Shows:
We have a few set car shows that we enter as a club every year such as the All Ford Day and Auto Spectacular as well as other car shows that pop up from time to time. These are a chance to shine up our vehicles and show them off to the public.
Motor Sports:
What is the point of owning these types of cars if you can’t drive them as they were meant to? Well that is the question a lot of our clubbies asked so we also cater for them as well with track days two or three times a year at Lakeside (public events).
Sadly the Ipswich round is no more but we have attended Townsville, Newcastle and Bathurst as a club event in recent years and will in the future depending on member participation. (these are always a great few days away).
Club merchandise:
The club has a great range of merchandise available for members and their families to purchase. Shirts, jackets, caps, coolers and stickers we have got you covered.
Try before you buy:
If you have a club eligible car you are welcome to come to your first event without being a member. Please contact the club Secretary or President for further information.
The club is proud to have a wide variety of sponsors who are a dedicated group of businesses that offer genuine discounts to club members or product support on a range of products and services.